Tech Stack
Fuel Network : Simplified
Modular execution has become quite popular in recent times because of the ability to keep the gas price low at the time of traffic in which L2s are struggling. Many people believe if we want the mass adoption of blockchain then we have to make a dram... Read More
Proof of Attendance : A new way of using NFTs
Imagine you & your batchmate are getting the same package offer from a company & the only difference is that he never attended any lecture. Is that fair? Imagine you attended the last ever match of Ronaldo's career & there isn't anything left other than the story, which after some time doesn't have any monetary value... Read More
A Quick GraphQL Overview
GraphQL is a query language . With the help of GraphQL you can get the exact data that you want from the API that you are requesting from. This will help to get the under serverd data that we want . The problem with the REST API was that we were getting a lot of unwanted data from the API (overfetching).... Read More
Fastest way of Migrating your Dapps to Mumbai/Goerli Test-net
Now its time to say Good Bye 👋 to our good old friend Ropsten-Rinkeby. It is very important to shift your previous dapp to a new testnet in order to shill your projects in future . This will be the fastest way of migrating your previous projects or dapps on the Mumbai or Goerli network.. Read More
TypeScript : Cheat Sheet
In one line ☝ JavaScript which is scalable === TypeScript. TypeScripts's Type system helps you during the developement (i.e before the codes get compile.) Browsers dont have TS type support. To compile the TS file run tsc app.ts in the terminal. If we don't wanna run this command frequently we can run a tsc --init this wi Read More
Learn Solidity : A Cheat-Sheet
You have already herd a lot about what is solidity. If you haven't , then understand is a a base language to write Smart Contracts . It is a statically typed language . It will be a little bit of difficult for a total new beginner but just remember one thing.... Read More
Top 3 contenders in Web3-Backend Simplified.
Are you new to the Web3 domain and everything seems so overwhelming to you??? Are you just stuck in trying to understand what's going onn in the 'deploy.js' code ???Don't worry Bro I got your back😉 In this blog I will try to simplify what's going onn in the backend and what you really need to know to conquer it.... Read More
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